On the spur of the moment, at the end of their session, Tonya asked her mentor for a clothes dryer, if there was one available. She knew it was a big request, but it never hurts to ask, right? Her dryer had konked out the week before and she didn't have the money to run out and buy a new one, or a used one for that matter. Her mentor reminded her that we don't often have them donated, but they would ask and see. Unknown to her or her mentor, someone had donated a washer and dryer set a few weeks ago. The same day Tonya was here, another client was picking up the washing machine....her dryer worked fine, but her washer had quit working. Needless to say, Tonya was beyond thrilled when the Agape furniture coordinator found her to let her know we had a dryer with her name on it.
Through tears, she thanked Agape and she thanked God for providing this large request for her. You can see how happy she is! She can't wait to pick it up and catch up on her family's laundry!

Thank you to those who make a special effort to donate large items like appliances and furniture to Agape Center Lynchburg. You are making a difference in lives and families in our community!